
The Piarist School of Budapest is an Erasmus+ accredited institut. 

We are constantly looking for new partners and building our international network with other European schools. 

For questions on international issues, please contact our Erasmus+ Team by email:

The Piarist High School of Budapest, which has been successfully awarded Erasmus+ accreditation from 2022 onwards under the call Nr. 2021-1-HU-01-KA120-SCH-000046469, untertook and completed the mobility abroad of eight teachers and thirty-nine students for the academic year 2022/2023 under the annual call Nr. 2022-1-HU01-KA121-SCH-000064753, in the 2023/2024 school year our school hosted French guest pupils and has received funding for the organisation of professional visits for 19 students and 9 teachers under the call Nr. 2023-1-HU01-KA121-SCH-000141400. In connection with the application, we will also host visiting students and groups of students from our partner institutions.

Our accreditation will provide funding for the rebuilding of the school's international relations and mobility between 2022 and 2027. In accreditation period the school will focus on enhancing the knowledge of teachers and pupils (learning about foreign cultures, exploring the workings of foreign schools, the history catholic schools in Middle and Western Europe), developing their skills (strengthening their linguistic and digital competences, seeking situations requiring independence and resilience) and shaping a European attitude open to self-education and tolerance, along the following lines:

1. Internationalisation of the school, new impulses

2. Vocational culture, career planning, career guidance and counselling

3. Comprehensive development in the fields of sustainability, environment and creation

4. School as a learning organisation

5. Social responsibility, volunteering, empowerment

6. Learning together, acquiring knowledge, developing skills, shaping attitudes

Each mobility is therefore not a trip for its own sake, but a way of sharing experiences, reporting and reflecting individually and collectively on the learning and development of the school. The results of the individual and group trips are integrated into the school's organisational functioning, opening the Budapest school's window to other ecclesiastical, Piarist (or Piarist-affiliated) schools. During the mobility, the participants

- reflect together on the application of the methods and models learnt at home and/or

- discover good practices from their "sending institution" and share them with representatives of the host institution.

Our aim is to have at least 40 professional visits by colleagues and more than seventy-four student mobility abroad by 2027.

For questions on international issues, please contact our Erasmus+ Team by email:

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